Mahmudah, Masrurotul (2016) CHARACTER EDUCATION ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. In: PROCEEDING THE 3rd SUMMIT MEETING ON EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “Values – Based Learning for Wonderful Children”. Prosiding, Vol. 1 (Cet. 1). Literasi Media & Prodi PGMI UIN Suka, Yogyakarta, pp. 120-130. ISBN 978-602-74934-3-8 (In Press)

Masrurotul Mahmudah - CHARACTER EDUCATION ASSESSMENT SYSTEM.pdf - Published Version

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This article describes the character education assessment system, where for many people who study the application of character education will be yet but many are reviewing about character education grading system. So with that backdrop the authors are interested in discussing this matter, with the aim to find out what kind of grading system character education and how to do it. With demikaian in the discussion in teoritik can be known about a character education assessment system that education is a process of building character. So the character Development is the process of shaping the character, from the less good be better. Depending on the respective provision. Want brought to where their character and formed what they later, depending on its potential significance in the possibly ahead, also depends on his opportunity. The construction of the characters needed to cultivate the character of a nation can be clearly identified, which distinguish themselves with other Nations, and it is necessary to deal with the situation of the growing period. In the implementassi character education in schools include: rational, Program assessment, the assessment process, the assessment of results, assessment of the dwarf, and success criteria. Implementation of character education in schools in the outline concerning three managerial functions, including planning, implementation, and control. So a third of the managerial functions requires evaluation, and it can be seen that practically function evaluation is psychologically (a), (b), (c) sociological in didaktis-methodical, (d) to know the position of the learners among his friends, (e) to find out the extent of the readiness of the learners in the program drove his education, (f) to assist teachers in providing guidance and selection, (g) administratively. Keywords: education systems, assessment and character education.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: education systems, assessment and character education.
Subjects: Pendidikan Islam (Pesantren)
Divisions: Prosiding (Proceeding)
Depositing User: Sugeng Hariyanto, SIP (
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2016 14:41
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2016 14:41

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