relation: title: EVALUASI PROGRAM REKREASI PERPUSTAKAAN DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA DITINJAU DARI PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICE, AND PLACE (MODEL PEMASARAN 4P) creator: CINTANTYO YOSI PUTRI, NIM. 09140035 subject: Ilmu Perpustakaan description: This research aims to examine how the evaluation of library recreational program in the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta observed by 4P marketing models . This research uses descriptive qualitative method . The methods of data collection use observation , interview and documentation . Analysis of the data in this research use three (3 ) steps , that are ( 1 ) data reduction ; to focused on research theme , ( 2 ) the presentation of data ; to explain based on observations , interviews and documentations , and ( 3 ) drawing conclusions ; conclud the result of analysis after the analysis is complete . Testing the validity of the data in the research is done by the member check . The results of this research can be concluded that : ( 1 ) the product of the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta is the holiday program by the library , (2 ) the promotion that done by the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta use : advertising , sales promotion , public relations , and sales individual , (3 ) the holiday program at the library is free of charge; ( 4 ) Location of the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta is very strategic and is in the middle of the city in Suroto street number 9 Yogyakarta. Keywords: evaluation, marketing mix and recreation library date: 2013-10-28 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: CINTANTYO YOSI PUTRI, NIM. 09140035 (2013) EVALUASI PROGRAM REKREASI PERPUSTAKAAN DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA DITINJAU DARI PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICE, AND PLACE (MODEL PEMASARAN 4P). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.