%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A CINTANTYO YOSI PUTRI, NIM. 09140035 %B FAK. ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2013 %F digilib:10308 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K evaluation, marketing mix and recreation library %P 162 %T EVALUASI PROGRAM REKREASI PERPUSTAKAAN DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA DITINJAU DARI PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICE, AND PLACE (MODEL PEMASARAN 4P) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/10308/ %X This research aims to examine how the evaluation of library recreational program in the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta observed by 4P marketing models . This research uses descriptive qualitative method . The methods of data collection use observation , interview and documentation . Analysis of the data in this research use three (3 ) steps , that are ( 1 ) data reduction ; to focused on research theme , ( 2 ) the presentation of data ; to explain based on observations , interviews and documentations , and ( 3 ) drawing conclusions ; conclud the result of analysis after the analysis is complete . Testing the validity of the data in the research is done by the member check . The results of this research can be concluded that : ( 1 ) the product of the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta is the holiday program by the library , (2 ) the promotion that done by the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta use : advertising , sales promotion , public relations , and sales individual , (3 ) the holiday program at the library is free of charge; ( 4 ) Location of the Archive Office and Library of Yogyakarta is very strategic and is in the middle of the city in Suroto street number 9 Yogyakarta. Keywords: evaluation, marketing mix and recreation library %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Labibah Zain, M.LIB