%A NIM. 09141048 EMITYA SUSTIWI %O Pembimbing: Tafrikhuddin, S.Ag., M.Pd. %T PERSEPSI PEMUSTAKA TERHADAP KUALITAS LAYANAN SIRKULASI DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X The aim research aims to understand how the perception of library users toward the quality of circulating service in the n = office of archive and library in area of Yogyakarta. This research method is descriptive. The subject is library users, while the object of this research is the perception of library users toward the quality of circulating service in the office of archive and library in area of Yogyakarta.The population of this research is library users, i.e 17.900 people. That population, based on Yamane formula : N Nd² +1 result 100 people as samples. Samples are taken using accidental sampling method. The variable of this research is the perception of library users toward the measurement of the perception of library users based on 5 dimensions of service, i.e. reliability,assurance,responsiveness,emphaty,and tangibles. The result show that the perception of the major of library users toward the quality of circulating service in the office of archive and library in area of Yogyakarta, is good. As the average value is 3,15, the interpretation is good. Based on the results, it is advised the office of archive and library in area of Yogyakarta to increase the quality of its services. Keywords: library users,perception,quality of service,circulating service. %K library users,perception,quality of service,circulating service. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10311