%A NIM. 09140124 HANIK NURDIANA SABITA %O Pembimbing: Drs. Budiyono, SIP. %T KEBIJAKAN PRESERVASI NASKAH KUNO DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU PELAYANAN KOLEKSI LANGKA DI BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAN ARSIP DAERAH DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA %X Preservation policy of old manuscript division in the Regional Library and Archive Institute (BPAD) of Special District of Yogyakarta (DIY) uses the preservation policy based on the subjects or kinds of the collection. The implementation of the policy by the division is unique and deserves to be researched because it is related to the library service quality especially scarce collection division who saves many old manuscripts. This research aims to describe the preservation policy which is used to increase the library service quality of BPAD DIY. This research conducted in BPAD DIY and it uses qualitative research that explores the facts which are concerned with the preservation policy of old manuscript to increase the service quality in terms of scarce collection and then it is described and guided by the questions in interview in the field. After collecting the data, it is served by using words and sentences which are appropriate with the real facts, and the main instrument is the researcher herself. That is why the researcher does the research or observation by herself and in deep interview to get more information in detail. The technique of data analysis in this research starts from collecting the data (data from the interview, observation, and documentation) then it is reduced by analyzing and interpreting then serve for makes it easy to understand the meaning. The result of this research describes that the preservation policy of old manuscript uses main priority scale and it functions to increase the quality of services in terms of old manuscript because of that policy, the quality of library materials, especially old manuscript can be enjoyed by users who are indirectly will create the users’ empathy to the quality of service in collection room. Keywords: preservation, preservation policy, old manuscript, quality of old manuscript service %K preservation, preservation policy, old manuscript, quality of old manuscript service %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10314