%A NIM. 09140123 AHMAT IQBAL %O Pembimbing: Siti Rohaya, S.Ag., MT. %T EVALUASI PEMANFAATAN INTERNET OLEH PEMUSTAKA DIUPT PERPUSTAKAAN SARJANAWIYATA TAMANSISWA YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to evaluate the internet usage to fulfill the users needed in UPT Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. The method that is used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview, and questioners; and it does not manipulate by the researcher. The result of this research is that the evaluation of internet usage by users in UPT Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa is excellent. By the average of 3.95, it can be concluded that: (1) Education and knowledge on the average 4.23 consists of internet that used to access e-journal and online articles. Besides, internet also makes the users easier to access educational news, education through e-book, and helps the users to access online catalogues; (2) Hobby and entertainment by the average 3.77 consists of internet that used to play games, access social media, blogs, music, and videos; (3) Business and job by the average 3.64 consists of job vacancies, business tender from institution, and price of products; (4) Cooperation and discussion on 3.67 consists of dialogues one and others; (5) Globalization on 4.36 consists of fast information, accurate, and effective and as the media of information and communication which is connected with worldwide. Keywords: evaluation, internet usage, %K evaluation, internet usage %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10323