@phdthesis{digilib10327, month = {October}, title = {MUSLIM AMERICAN DISCRIMINATIONS AFTER 9/11 ACCIDENT AS SEEN IN MY NAME IS KHAN: A NEW HISTORICISM }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09150024 SRI RAHAYU}, year = {2013}, note = {Pembimbing: Witriani, M.Hum.}, keywords = {New historicism, text and reality, and Muslim American discrimination,}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/10327/}, abstract = {My Name Is Khan is a movie which generally tells about the struggle of Khan, a Muslim who has Asperger syndrome and his family to overcome the hard condition as aftermath of 9/11 accident. They live happily before the accident. Their environment also can accept them warmly, eventhough they are Muslim. There get no different treating from Americans. Muslims community can live freely without fears. They can participate well in the social life. Suddenly, their lives change after 9/11 accident. Muslim is accused as the suspect of this accident. Americans assume Muslim as the one who has responsibility of the accident happens. Finally, Muslim is accused as the terrorist who have killed many of innocent people on World Trade Center and Pentagon. As a result, Muslim Americans have to face the hard condition at that time. They are marginalized and rejected from the society. Muslim also becomes victim of discrimination. They become victim of discrimination because some Americans feel anger, disappoint, and fear to Muslim. The method of this research used is library research. Firstly, the writer watches My Name Is Khan movie as the main data. Secondly, the writer selects the data from the movie that related to the main topic of the research. The writer also read many other references to find the historical fact of the topic. Thirdly, the writer applies the New Historicism theory especially how to relate the text and reality. Then the writer analyzes the relation between the topic in the movie and the reality. Finally, the writer gives the conclusion of the research. The analysis of the data leads to the conclusion there are five types of discrimination cases found in My Name Is Khan movie. First is the public discrimination with four cases discrimination. Second is children educational discrimination with two cases. Third is discrimination in employment with one case. Fourth is children violence discrimination with one cases, and the last unequal of law discrimination with two cases. The representation of Muslim American discrimination in the movie is generally only a short representation of the fact. Muslim Americans discrimination in the historical fact is more serious than in the movie because not all of discriminations are presented in the movie. However, the types of discrimination are seen clearly in My Name Is Khan. In addition, the writer also found focus of the author in some cases. The authors focused on Indian American people, religion pluralism, negative effect of 9/11 accident to Muslim, authors reflects a certain era, and author?s own ideology. Keywords: New historicism, text and reality, and Muslim American discrimination,} }