%A NIM. 08140127 DENI MEI SAPUTRI %T HUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF PUSTAKAWAN DAN KEPUASAN PEMUSTAKA DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to know the relationship between librarian effective communication and the user satisfaction in archive office and Yogyakarta province library, to know how the communication between librarian and user, also the user satisfaction about the librarian communication in archive office and Yogyakarta province library. This research using quantitative methodology. The variable of the research are librarian effective communication as independent variable and user satisfaction as dependent variable. Using incidental sampling, the subject of this research were 99 respondent. Observation, interview, and questioner are use to collect the data in this research. The correlation technique of product moment is use for validity analize and Alpha cronbach method for reliability analize. The correlation technique of product moment and SPSS version 17 for windows is use to data analize. The result shows positif and significant relationship between librarian effective communication and user satisfaction in archive office dan Yogyakarta province library (r : 0,722), where r count > r the table on the significance level of 5% is a table r of 0.202. The librarian effective communication in archive office and Yogyakarta province library is in good level (grand mean : 3,018). User satisfaction in archive office and Yogyakarta province library in high level (grand mean : 3,018). The correlation coefficient grade are strong which means the better librarian effective communication the higher level of user satisfaction in archive office and Yogyakarta Province library. This researchs advice to the library is to increase or at least keep the user satisfaction in communication between librarian and user or the other factors. %D 2012 %K librarian effective communication, user satisfaction. %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10717