@phdthesis{digilib10727, month = {August}, title = {EVALUASI PEMANFAATAN PENELUSURAN INFORMASI MELALUI SISTEM INFORMASI JAWS (JOB ACCESS WITH SPEECH) BAGI SISWA TUNANETRA DI MTs YAYASAN KESEJAHTERAAN TUNANETRA ISLAM YOGYAKARTA}, school = {PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 08140044 EMA YULIYANTI}, year = {2012}, keywords = {information browsing, JAWS information system}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/10727/}, abstract = {Islam of Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research was to describe theinformation browsing for blind student in MTs Yayasan Kesejahteraan Tunanetra Islam of Yogyakarta trough JAWS. Method of data research were observation questionnaire, interview, and documentation. Variable used was individual variable. This research include in population research. Method of analysis used was distribution of frequency by percentage formulation. Data was processed by using software SPSS version 20 windows. From result of this research, it is described in shape of table and then analyzed and then analyzed in shape of interpretation by sentence containing conclution. Based on data analysis it has been known the percentage value. The periode used in information browsing is 45\%,. i.e. mostly of students state 1-2 hours of period is required. (70\%) in generally students state result of information browsing uses JAWS is heard and saved. Operational process of JAWS in information browsing is (55\%) mostly of students state that the operational process of JAWS is faster, more appropriate, more effective in information browsing. Thus, it helps the learning process. Information field in information browsing used JAWS (50\%) mostly of students state the information often browsed is sufficient by using JAWS in Science and Technologi field. Source of information in information browsing used JAWS (70\%). In generally, students state that source of information in information browsing through JAWS are from internet. Accessibility gained in information browsing trough JAWS is (45 \%). Most of student gain accesbility in adding knowledge. The impeding factor to information browsing by using JAWS is (55\%). Most of students state the impeding factor in information browsing trough JAWS is incompetence. Advice is suggested in order to increase the use of JAWS by adding period and intensity and the use of JAWS is intended to comprehend the spelling and make easy the computer operation. } }