relation: title: EVALUASI KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN SMP MATARAM KASIHAN BANTUL (Kajian Terhadap Silabus Mata Pelajaran Berdasarkan KTSP 2006) creator: FITNI NUR CHAIDHA , NIM. 07140052 subject: Ilmu Perpustakaan description: This research about Evaluation of Collection Availability in the Library of Junior High School Mataram Kasihan (Studies to Syllabus Subject based on KTSP 2006). The understanding connection of the availability a collection in this research it is a process for to description and measures collection accessibility in the library by using the certain criterion for could in the analysis and was attracted by the conclusion to know how far the availability of the collection in the Library of Junior High School Mataram Kasihan studies subject syllabus based on KTSP 2006. The technique of measurement or the collection is divided into two which is a technique that focuses on the collection and focuses on the user. This research uses the technique that focuses on the collection that aims to measure of a collection by utilizes particular list (checklist). List in quetion is a catalog or bibliography that is assessed from subject syllabus based on KTSP 2006 and other activities such as examination of collection as a crosscheck on the shelf in the library. Gathered data utilize observation to get primary data by crosscheck directly in the library, documentation, interview. Of discussion and analysis of all data, the results of this study indicate that (1) the availability of collections of each group of subjects PAI, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA Fisika, IPA Biologi, IPS Geografi, IPS Sejarah and IPS Economic is 100% which means that all is available. Bahasa Inggris is the 92.85% that means almost entirely available. Kewarganegaraan is 88.8% which means almost entirely available. Seni Budaya is 83.33% which means almost entirely available. TIK is 75% which means most available. Bahasa Jawa is 72.72% which means the part is available. Penjaskes is 66.67% which means the part is available. (2) Availability of a collection of class VII was 96.42% which means almost entirely available. Class VIII is 91.80% which means that almost all of them are available. Class IX is 94.91% which means that almost all of them are available. (3) Availability of the collection as a whole based on a review of the curriculum syllabus of subjects was 95.43% KTSP 2006, which means almost all available in the Library of Junior High School Mataram Kasihan. The research is expected to provide input to the library to consider the availability of subjects Penjaskes, Bahasa Jawa, TIK so that collections accordance with the vision, mission and goals that make the library as one of the driving force of education and one of the central source information and development of learning resources. date: 2012-08-02 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: FITNI NUR CHAIDHA , NIM. 07140052 (2012) EVALUASI KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN SMP MATARAM KASIHAN BANTUL (Kajian Terhadap Silabus Mata Pelajaran Berdasarkan KTSP 2006). Skripsi thesis, PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.