%A NIM. 08140016 MULADSARI %T EVALUASI DESAIN INTERIOR RUANG BACA DI KANTOR ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAERAH KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X This research is purposed to know how interior design in Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta is it appropriate with theory and standard that recommended or not, by evaluating it. In this research the kind of research that done is qualitative. The researches object is interior design such as room and land space, colouring, lighting, air circulation, sound system/accoustic, sampling method with observation, interview, and documentation. While data analyzes will be interactive qualitative model based on Mathew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman, using three main steps, or data reduction, data review, conclusion and verification. The result of research show that colouring that appropriate with theory. While room and land space, lighting, air circulation, and sound system/acoustic not appropriate with theory and standard that recommended. Suggestion to Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Yogyakarta in order to enlarge reading room, restructuring the room, increaming of lamp and increaming of AC (air conditioning). %D 2012 %K Interior design, reading room %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10755