%A NIM. 08710124 ULIL MA’RIFAH %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA KOMUNIKASI REMAJA DAN ORANG TUA DAN DISIPLIN DI MAN MAGUWOHARJO %X The purpose of this research is to understand the correlation between parents-adolescence communication and discipline. The subject of this research is 114 students of MAN Maguwoharjo. Hypothesis in this research is there is a positive relation between parents-adolescence communication and discipline on MAN Maguwoharjo student. Sampling techniques that is used by this research is cluster sampling. This research use quantitative method. Collecting data tool used is parents-adolescence communication and discipline scale. Data was analyzed using product moment correlation techniques from Pearson by SPSS 16.00 for Windows. Result shows that there are positive correlation between parents-adolescence communication and discipline in MAN Maguwoharjo. It is shown by positive correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.545 and significance degree (p) of 0.000 (p < 0.001). Based on the result, it is said that hypothesis is accepted. Effective contribution parents-adolescence communication to discipline is shown by R square of 0.297 that means 29.7% student discipline is influenced by parents-adolescence children communication. Score alpha for parents-adolescence communication scale is 0,956 and score alpha for discipline scale is 0,871. %D 2012 %K parents-adolescence communication, discipline %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10807