%A NIM. 08710091 SITI MUTHOHAROH %O Pembimbing: Retno Pandan Arum K., M. Si. %T DUKUNGAN SOSIAL PADA ORANG TUA TUNGGAL PEREMPUAN MISKIN %X Single parents women are women who were housewives and head of the family and take care of her family and her children alone without a spouse or a husband. Many problems faced by female single parents because they have the duty as a mother and father alone. Therefore, they urgently need social support to keep the spirit in fighting for his life. Social support is assistance or relief granted by those who have emotional closeness like family, friends, neighbors and coworkers form of material aid, emotional, information, and awards. The aim of this research is to find out and to understand the women single parent's life, the problems encountered, the forms of social support received, and the effect and meaning of social support for single parents women and finally can know how the image of social support received female single parents. Informant of this research are two single parent of women in Yogyakarta who separated from her husband because her husband died, with criteria such as aged between 25-50 years old, her husband's death a maximum period of five years, included to poor class and has adequate social environment for doing research. In this research, researcher used descriptive qualitative approach in the form of case studies. Data collection using the method of observation, interview and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is the interactive model of qualitative data analysis. The results of this research indicate a history of single parenthood are the same between the two informants, their husband have died because stroke disease and the problems faced by the child's problems and economic problems. Informants received various forms of social support from children, relatives, neighbors and institutions or foundations. Received social support has a positive effect on the lives of informants, the social support that can ease the economic burden, the burden of thinking, give the spirit, open, patient, be autonomous and have a strong mental until the informant can be diligent in work, often come together in society, often help the neighbors and often told a story with others. The Forms of social support received by female single parents made up of 5 (five) kinds, there are (a) emotional support, (b) appreciation support, (c) instrumental support, (d) information support, and (e) social network support. %K Social Support, Poor Single Parent Women %D 2012 %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10817