@phdthesis{digilib10832, month = {September}, title = {Implementasi Steganografi dan Algoritma Enkripsi Vigenere Cipher pada Media Plain Text}, school = {PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 07650069 FAHMI AULIYA TSANI}, year = {2012}, note = {Bambang Sugiantoro, S.Si., M.T.}, keywords = {encryption, steganography, spam, sniffing, information security, whitespace, vig{\`e}nere cipher.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/10832/}, abstract = {Internet usage activities grow rapidly now. One of them is information exchange via electronic mail Research methodology that used in this research is system developing. The steps are literature study, system requirement identification, collecting datas, system hardware requirement identification, system developing method. This research producting a system that can be accessed via internet, so everyone can use it. System can do encryption process using vigenere cipher algorithm and also can hide it on a spam message. This encoded message also can be decrypted using this system by knowing key and tabula recta combination that be used first.} }