%A NIM. 07650061 FENDI TRI CAHYONO %O Nurrochman, S. Kom, M. Kom %T INTEGRASI SISTEM E-LEARNING DAN SOCIAL NETWORK %X The use of technology in the last decade increasening rapidly. Internet is no longer just for communication, but also as an integral part of business, industry, education and social interactions. Especially regarding to social networks, its growth is quite astonishing. But on the contrary, the use of e-learning which we know is less attractive. On the other hand, availability of some of API from the social network, provides the opportunity to develop an e-learning applications that connect to some social networks. E-learning as developed by using PHP programming language and Oracle database 10g XE. It used PHP-SDK and javascript-SDK as library to link the elearning to facebook as a social network. Method of designing the system used OOP With Facebook application, users can use e-learning on the facebook page, because elearning application was embedded with facebook. Users can also receive notifications of e-learning through a facebook account. User can receive notification through the app request or wall post from his facebook account. This system is expected to enhance the user's interest to use an e-learning. %K E-Learning, Social Network, Notification, Facebook API, UML %D 2012 %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10844