%A NIM. 08730091 ANGGA PERMANA ADHIKAPUTRA %T PENGARUH BANNER ADS KASKUS.US TERHADAP PENINGKATAN BRAND IMAGE KLIEN (Survei Pada User Kaskus di Yogyakarta) %X The problem formulation in this research is influence from banner ads kaskus.us toward the brand image raising of kaskus client to kaskus users in Yogyakarta. The hypothesis which uses is there’s an influence from banner ads kaskus.us toward the brand image raising of kaskus client to kaskus users in Yogyakarta. The type of this research is explanatory research. And the kind of this research is survey’s population from kaskus users, amount to 411 peoples. From that population, researcher use slovin formula and take a sample amount to 80 peoples. Researcher use a quesioner to take the data. The data analysis technique that is use is statistic description analysis and use simple regression analysis, classic assumption (normality test, linearity test and homogeneity test). Result of normality test that is use Kolmogorov-Smirnov obtained if the KS-Z value from banner ads is 0,741 with Asymp.sig value (p) = 0,642 and bigger than 0,10. This indicate that banner ads variable have a normal spread data. KS-Z value from brand image is 0,883 with Asymp.sig value (p) = 0,417 and bigger than 0,10. This indicate that brand image variable also have a normal spread data. The linearity test indicate the value of sig. linearity from annova are 0,024 and 0,000 which smaller than 0,10 and sig. deviation from linearity value are 0,722 which bigger than 0,10. The conclusion from both results indicate if the connection is linear. Last, is homogeneity test that indicate the value of Pearson Chi Square from banner ads and brand image variables are 28,600 (sig. 0,194) and 29,850 (sig. 0,230) which both of them is bigger than 0,10. So, the conclusion both of thus variables are homogen. Result of this research from simple regression analysis, indicate that R square value are 0,268. So, the kaskus banner ads can influence the client brand images 26,8%. The arithmetic of t value are 5,340 and bigger than t table (1,658). Sig. value indicate 0,000 and smaller than 0,10. So, the influence of banner ads toward the brand image is significant. The conclusion, hypotesis of this research that is explain if there is an influence from kaskus banner ads toward the kaskus client brand images are accepted. Banner ads of kaskus can influence brand image of kaskus client as big as 26,8%. This obtained from R Square value 0,268 from the SPSS output (simple regression analysis). And 73,2% are influenced from other factors. %D 2012 %K Banner ads of kaskus %I PERPUSTAKAAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib10901