%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A FARADINA HARUMI, NIM. 10650056 %B FAKULTAS SAINTEK %D 2014 %F digilib:11153 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keyword : Memory usage, media player %T ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN MEMORI (MEMORY USAGE) PADA PERANGKAT LUNAK PEMUTAR BERKAS MULTIMEDIA (MEDIA PLAYER) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/11153/ %X Deciding quality is something that often we do everyday. In this situation, rating a quality is the most basic thing: comparing to the other object that has identically condition and with certain concept. However, that kind of rating is very subjective. Therefor, the author did this research to find standard memory usage pattern for media player when it loaded by low, medium, and high sized file, and also find standard reference value of memory usage media player so that we got objective quantitative measurement. This research using descriptive quantitative approach with observation method. Memory usage from thirty media players that loaded by low, medium, and high sized file would be collected and then the collected data would be analyzed by using descriptive statistics to measure the data central tendency and dispersion. Based on this background, the author could not find standard memory usage pattern for media player due to data that is not normally distributed and not linear. However, standard reference value of memory usage media player already found, 16.356 KB for media player that playing song and 50.788,99 KB for media player that playing film. %Z Pembimbing : Bambang Sugiantoro, M.T, CompTIA