%A NIM. 10150011 ARI WICAKSONO %O Pembimbing : Dwi Margo Yuwono, M.Hum. %T THE PHONEMIC ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL LOAN WORDS IN THE TRANSLATION OF ISLAM AND POLITICS BY JOHN L. ESPOSITO %X The title of this research is “The Phonemic Analysis of Political Loan Words in The Translation of Islam and Politics by John L. Esposito”. The researcher chooses this topic of research based on two reasons; the phonemic change in diachronic linguistics is still debatable and there is no specific previous research that discuss the structure of phoneme in the loan words, whereas the object of this research is Islam and Politics and the translation Islam dan Politik; the research focus‟ is its political terminology. The method of this research is qualitative-descriptive. The objectives of this research are to explain the kinds of phonemic change in the pure and naturalized political loan words and to describe the process of pure and naturalized political loan words in the translation of Islam and Politics. The used theories in this research are Kridalaksana‟s phonemics change and Crowley‟s rephonemicization. The result of this research shows that there are 5 types of phonemic changes in the pure and naturalized political loan words: deletion of phoneme, addition of phoneme, change of vowel, change of simple consonant, and deletion of stress. Furthermore, the process of borrowing of political loan words in Bahasa Indonesia consists of three categories: phonemic shift, split and merger in consonant and phonemic merger and split in vowel. %K Key words: phonemic change, phoneme, rephonemicization %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib11472