@phdthesis{digilib11499, month = {January}, title = {KONSEP STRATEGI PEMASARAN DALAM MEMOAR ROOM TO READ KARYA JOHN WOOD }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 09140056 FAJAR NUGRAHA }, year = {2014}, note = { Pembimbing : Dra. Labibah Zain, M.LIS }, keywords = {Keywords : Marketing Strategy, Marketing Strategy in Library, 7P Marketing Model, Room to Read, and John Wood. }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/11499/}, abstract = {This research aims to gain an overview of the concept of marketing strategy in memoir Room to Read by John Wood .The method of this research is library research. The method of data collection uses library review. Otherwise, the technique of analyzing data uses the analysis of its content. They are: 1) formulating the problem of research, 2) doing the library reseach, 3) determining the unit of analysis, 4) determining the sample, 5) determining the variables, 6) making categorization and coding guidelines, 7) collecting data, 8) doing data coding, and 9) Arranging research report . The result of this research is concluded that the concept of marketing strategies in memoirs of Room to Read, John Wood works according to the 7P marketing model, consisting of: 1) product is a product like services and it also has a composition that is consisting of: the book publishing, the scholarship "Room to Grow", the reconstruction of educational facilities, and training to some teachers, while it also has the characteristics of the product such as the brand of Room to Read ; 2) price is the values/benefits that is perceived from the activity/program of Room to Read; 3) promotion is the AIDA with sales promotion and notification/ direct mail; 4) place it selects the strategic location and it is always also close to the consumer; 5) people are the selection/ recruitment and training; 6) process is begun how to design the process of the services until the services are delivered to consumers, and 7) Physical Evidence or Customer Service is the using of the website and bulletin as a media of information and it also responds the complaints wisely. Suggestions for library ,this research is expected to be a reference to take decisions. For library science, it is also expected many the library materials about the library marketing strategies and hopefully, there are more research about philanthropy in the library. } }