%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ULFATUL KHADROH , NIM. 09150040 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2014 %F digilib:11522 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Key words: Freudian Psychoanalysis, Puritan, conflicts, Id, Ego, Superego. %T WOMEN IN CONFLICTS AS POTRAYED IN NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE’S “THE SCARLET LETTER” AND KATE CHOPIN’S “THE AWAKENING” %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/11522/ %X The Scarlet Letter is a phenomenal novel that tells us about a conflict of a woman whose named Hester Prynne. Her conflict appears since she wants to release from the opressive marriage in order to seek her own happiness. Although she has married to a famous physician, Roger Chillingworth, she often feels lonely. Her husband is very busy with his work. Moreover, Roger tried to dominate his wife. He sent his wife to Massachussets Bay Colony who have strong religious. There, Hester is trapped into a forbidden love with Arthur Dimmesdale, a Reverend of Puritan society who is regarded by everyone in Boston. Finally, she has a baby without a legal married. Because of her adultery, she is alienated by the society and she is also judged by the society to wear the scarlet letter ―A‖ all the times as the symbol of adultery. Hester must wear it in whenever and wherever she goes that everyone can see it clearly. The similar conflict also happens to Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopin‘s The Awakening. Her conflict appears since she wants to release from the opressive marriage in order to seek her own happiness. Her husband, Leonce Pontellier is a successful businessman who is busy with his work. Moreover, Roger tried to dominate his wife. When Pontellier‘s family takes a vacation at Grand Isle, she meets Robert Lebrun, the son of Madame Lebrun. They fall in love each other. But, suddenly Robert decides to go to Mexico and leave her without certain reasons. Disappointed with Robert‘s decision, Edna tries commit an affair with another man. Frustated with her life, she returns to Grand Isle and allowing herself to be drowned by the sea to raise her freedom of her problems. The sources of data in this research are Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter and Kate Chopin‘s The Awakening. The main data are taken from the main women character‘s conflicts in both novel. This reseach categorizes as a descriptive-qualitative library research. To collect the data, the writer read both novels and tries to compare both novels. Then, the writer uses Freudian Psychoanalysis to analyze both women character‘s conflicts related to Id, Ego and Superego. From this research, it is found that both main women characters have similar conflicts. Both Hester and Edna faced the opressive marriage in their life since their husband tried to limit their freedom. Hester and Edna tried to get their freedom by betraying their marriage. In getting their freedom, Edna and Hester had different ways. Hester did her struggle in a calm way. It is happened since Hester was born and raised in Puritan society, so all of her acts are influenced by the Puritan society she belongs to. Unlike Hester, Edna did her struggle in strict way. She obviously rebelled the society norms in her society. She didn‘t try to obey her society norms since she is a secularist person who just thinks of her own pleasure. %Z Pembimbing : Fuad Arif Fudiyartanto, M. Hum