%A NIM. 09710020 IKE ZURAEINI %O Pembimbing : Sara Palila S.Psi, M.A %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA TRAIT KEPRIBADIAN NEUROTICISM DAN SELF REGULATED LEARNING PADA SISWI PONDOK PESANTREN “X” DI YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to determine the relationship between the personality trait Neuroticism and Self- Regulated Learning in girls Boarding School " X " in Yogyakarta. Research subjects in this study were female students in Boarding School "X" in Yogyakarta class XI and class XII, with the characteristics of a class XI student daughter and class XII SMA / MA, majoring in science, and 15-20 years old . This study using quantitative research method using the scale as a measure of her. The first scale is the scale of the Self Regulated Learning and Personality Trait Neuroticism is the second . The results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between Personality Trait Neuroticism and Self Regulated Learning on student Boarding School "X". The higher Neuroticism Personality Trait, then his Self Regulated Learning lower. Conversely, the lower the Personality Trait Neuroticism, then his Self Regulated Learning higher. Based on these results the hypothesis proposed in this study received, this is indicated by the correlation coefficient (rxy) of -0.596 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01). Effective contribution of Neuroticism Personality Trait Self-Regulated Learning with the girls Boarding School by 35.5%. This suggests that the Personality Trait Neuroticism has the effect of 35,5% to lower the Self Regulated Learning. %K Keywords : Personality Trait Neuroticism, Self Regulated Learning %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib11681