TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing : Rachmy Diana, S. Psi. M.A. ID - digilib11696 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/11696/ A1 - RUSMITA , NIM. 08710045 Y1 - 2014/01/13/ N2 - Memorizing Holy Quran (tahfidz) is a long time process. Monotonous activity caused boredom and lazy situation. These conditions tend to make students do not obey the rules, looking for outside activities and lack of discipline. Outside activities that have nothing to do with tahfidz often more attractive to students who memorizing Quran, so this condition it left unchecked would disrupt the activities of memorizing holy Quran. Therefore, strong interest of memorizing Qur?an preferred to increase the disciple of memorizing Quran. This research aims to determine The Relations Of Interests And Disciplnie Of Memorizing Holy Quran By The Students Of Hindun Dormitory In Krapyak Yogyakarta . The subjects are 54 college students who lived in Hindun. This research used quantitative methode. Its data was obtained by using both scale of interest of memorizing Quran and the discipline scale of memorizing Quran. Its statistical analysis technique is the product moment correlation using SPSS 16 statistical software. The results is r of 0.530 , rē of 0.281 with p = 0.000 . This results proved a positive and significant relations of interest and discipline of memorizing the Quran by the students of Hindun Dormitory in Krapyak Yogyakarta. rē of 0.281 indicates that interest of memorizing Qur'an gives the effective contribution of 28.1 % to the discipline of memorizing Quran . PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA KW - Keywords : Interests of memorizing Quran and discipline of memorizing Quran M1 - skripsi TI - HUBUNGAN ANTARA MINAT MENGHAFAL AL-QUR?AN DENGAN DISIPLIN DALAM MENGHAFAL AL-QUR?AN PADA SANTRI KOMPLEK HINDUN KRAPYAK YOGYAKARTA AV - restricted ER -