<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n"^^ . "This research contains the quality of picture books collection in\r\nSyuhada Kindergarten Mosque Library in Yogyakarta. This effort aims to\r\ndetermine the quality of the physics picture books in the Syuhada Kidergarten\r\nMosque Library in Yogyakarta from the ilustrations and format books. This\r\nresearch uses descriptive quantitative method. The results of the research can be\r\nconcluded that the quality of a collection of picture books in the Syuhada\r\nKindergarten MosqueLibrary in Yogyakarta has a good quality. This conclusion\r\nwas taken after researcher analyzed several collections of picture books in the\r\nSyuhada Kindergarten Mosque library in Yogyakarta. The picture books\r\ncollection of Syuhada Kindergarten Mosque library in Yogyakarta complies the\r\nsix criterias of the evaluation of picture books quality in the Syhada Kindergarten\r\nMosque Library inYogyakarta based on Culiinan’s theory. The six criterias are\r\nfrom ilustrations enrich the text, the artist use line, shape or color to add to the\r\nmeaning, the artistic style appropriate to the content, font’s size and sentence\r\nappropriates to the content and the age group, the title page foreshadow the\r\ncontent to come. Based on the condition of Syuhada Kindergarten Mosque\r\nLibrary, The library needs to update the picture books collection by the selection\r\ncriteria standard that suit for children in kindergarten.\r\n"^^ . "2014-02-04" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM. 09140103"^^ . "HUSNUL KHOTIMAH OBAJA ZAS "^^ . "NIM. 09140103 HUSNUL KHOTIMAH OBAJA ZAS "^^ . . . . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Text)"^^ . . . "BAB I, V, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "EVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU\r\nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA\r\nYOGYAKARTA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #11793 \n\nEVALUASI KUALITAS KOLEKSI PICTURE BOOKS (BUKU \nBERGAMBAR) DI PERPUSTAKAAN TK MASJID SYUHADA \nYOGYAKARTA \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Perpustakaan"@en . .