%A NIM. 10140021 THORIQ TRI PRABOWO %O Pembimbing : Puji Lestari, M.Kom. %T EFEKTIVITAS OPAC PERPUSTAKAAN UMUM KABUPATEN TEMANGGUNG TAHUN 2013 (TINJAUAN RECALL DAN PRECISION) %X This research purpose to understand the effectiveness public library of Temanggung Regency’s OPAC year 2013 by recall and precision observation. This research use descriptive quantitative methods. The writer wants to understand the effectiveness of OPAC by recall and precision observation. The sample determined use purposive technique, sample determined by the classification of library collection with the highest borrowed intensity. Sample determined by subject keyword in the subject list book amount 30 respondents took by each 3 subjects from ten main classes of DDC. Data aggregation use observation technique by computer instrument, it purpose to aggregate hits, noises, and misses from each respondents. Data analysis use recall and precision formulas and then from totality 30 respondents are counted the average by mean formula. Search results in the title column are understood the average of precision are 72.513% and recall are 56.912% with response time 3.3305 second. And in the subject column are understood the average of precision are 76.666% and recall are 40.709% with response time 0.7754 second. For that counts can be concluded that the retrieval information system (OPAC) of Public Library of Temanggung Regency year 2013 is effective, because the percentage of precision is higher than the percentage of recall, and the percentage of recall and precision is higher than 50%. In this research can be understood that search by subject column is more effective than title column, because the percentage of precision in this column is higher than title column. Inconsistent indexing and classifying cause a little percentage of recall and precision, if there a some consistence maybe the percentage of recall and precision are higher. %K Keywords: Effectiveness of Information Retrieval System, OPAC, Recall and Precision. %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib11794