%A NIM. 09140087 NINA NURJANAH %O PEMBIMBING: SYIFAUN NAFISAH, ST., MT %T PENILAIAN KINERJA PUSTAKAWAN PADA BAGIAN PELAYANAN UMUM BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI PEMUSTAKA DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA (DITINJAU MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK ANALISIS MOSER) %X This research was conducted to answer many assumptions in library service related to the issue of gender equality. In this context, the issue was assessed based on women’s empowerment in library service. Analysis technique used in this research was Moser analysis technique in order to investigate the assessment on performance of the librarians in service division based on Moser analysis technique which emphasized on women’s empowerment. The research took place in the library of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This research was descriptive-quantitative involving 22,036 respondents as the research population taken from the member of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The sample for the analysis was 99.55 people in which the number was determined by using incidental sampling. The data analysis used mean formula, and to get the average value the grean mean formula was used. Validity test in this research used product moment formula and reliability test used alpha cronbanch formula. The result of analysis showed that the assessment on the librarians’ performance in general service division according to the perception of the library users by using Moser analysis technique resulted in value of 3.005, meaning that the performance of the librarians in general service division was good, with the following explanation: sub variable fairness got a value of 3.18, sub variable equality got a value of 2.93, sub variable efficiency got a value of 2.96, and sub variable of empowerment got a value of 2.95. Therefore, it could be concluded that the empowerment of women for general service at the library of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan kalijaga Yogyakarta was good. Keyword: Gender, Performance librarian, Service %K Gender, Performance librarian, Services %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12063