%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ALFAN HIDAYAT , NIM. 07650023 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2013 %F digilib:12087 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keywords: Reservation, Futsal, Client, Android, Server, First Come First Served %T SISTEM RESERVASI LAPANGAN FUTSAL MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BERBASIS ANDROID (STUDI KASUS PERKASA FUTSAL PACITAN) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/12087/ %X Futsal is one kind of sport that most people like, the kind of sport that can be done everytime with no consideration of weather because it take place indoor. Along with the growing interest towards futsal, there are lot of place that rent futsal field. But, there are many futsal field rental still use conventional way for reservation and scheduling that cause less efficiency in time and lack of accuracy in data. Therfore will be made “reservation system of futsal field based on android” at Perkasa Futsal Pacitan. This “reservation system of futsal field” made using client-server system based on android platForm. The programming language used is PHP and javascript in server system and java in client system. The Database used in server side is MySQL, whereas Database used in client side is SqlLite. The algorithm applied is First Come First Served which will serve the first come customer till finish, only then will continue to the next customer. The result of this research is a system that capable to process the futsal field reservation well, user can see the schedule of futsal field easily, system show the queue of futsal field renter, sistem is capable to Manage the Member balance. All respondents agree that system working properly. Based on the resource of tested interface system show that 53,3% respondens very agrees, and 46,6% respondens agrees. %Z Pembimbing : Aulia Faqih Rifa'i, M.Kom.