relation: title: RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI KARBOL (STUDI KASUS AKADEMI ANGKATAN UDARA) creator: DELISA FEBRIANA BUDI ARDITA , NIM. 09650023 subject: Tehnik Informatika description: Yogyakarta Air Force Academy is one of the military educational institutions for Karbol the purpose of forming an officer and was able to develop a cadre of leaders of the nation's private or Indonesian National Army Air Force. Karbol is the designation for the Youth in Air Force Academy. Information system design assessment to determine the value of nonacademic development in the field of personality Karbol needs to be done. Development of the system in this study using the spiral model. The method comprising the steps of customer communication, planning, risk analysis, engineering, construction and launch, customer evaluation. Spiral model is a form of evolution that is owned by the model combined with prototyping and waterfall model. This research resulted in the development of Information Systems and monitoring the value of Karbol acid in the field of personality that can be used as a material exposure and academic council Caregiver Karbol in the Air Force Academy. date: 2013-09-03 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: DELISA FEBRIANA BUDI ARDITA , NIM. 09650023 (2013) RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI KARBOL (STUDI KASUS AKADEMI ANGKATAN UDARA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.