%A NIM. 08650072 FAIZAL RIJAL SUSANTO %O Pembimbing : M Didik R. Wahyudi %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM KURSUS BAHASA INGGRIS ONLINE DENGAN MENGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK CODEIGNITER (STUDI KASUS : LEMBAGA KURSUS ENTER YOGYAKARTA) %X Internet is a kind of important media by distributing data in the use of web based applications. The use of web based applications has become a media in many varieties things such as their formation delivery, discussion media and learning media. In terms, learning online media is very helpful for everyone especially for those who have limited and busy time for along day that expertise but it is very necessary in the daily of life. This research was built using website basic system to improve learning English online. The program language used Codeigneiter framework with MySQL database. The research take the case study in ENTER Yogyakarta course. Based on the test result which has been done by the writer in the learning system of English Online in ENTER course, the writer takes the conclusion as: 1) the research success to design the information of learning English online as a larger tool than class learning. 2) the research success to implement the result becoming basic application website using Codeigniter framework and MySQL database. 3) the research helps many people learning English in a busy time. 4) the research can help the learning become easier because it can be done wherever if they have internet connection. %K Key word : Online Course, Codeigniter, MySQL, English. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12128