%A NIM. 08640019 MERY KUSMIYATI %O Pembimbing: Siti Aiash, MSi %T KARAKTERISASI MORFOLOGI GARUT (Maranta arundinacea L) DI KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL DAN KULON PROGO D.I YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims at determining the morphological diversity of Maranta arundinacea L in Gunungkidul and Kulon Progo. This study used 18 samples; 9 of them were from Gunungkidul and the other 9 were from Kulon Progo. The observations were conducted qualitatively and quantitatively on the morphological characteristics of the stems, leaves, bulbs, roots and flowers. The rate of the samples diversity was analyzed using average linkage method that produces dendogram. In the dendogram, there were two groups of samples symbolized as A and B. Group A consisted of KP II, KP III and GK I with the highest similarity of 58.6 % (sample KP II and KP III). Group B consisted of sample GK II, GK III and KP I with the highest 53.3 % similarity (sample GK II and GK III. The samples from Kulon Progo and Gunungkidul showed morphology differences mainly on the morphological characters of the stems, leaves and tubers. The factors that were thought affecting the diversity of the samples morphology from Gunungkidul and Kulon Progo were the difference of the soil conditions and the shade. %K Keywords : Gunungkidul, Kulon Progo, Maranta arundinacea L, Morphology %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12158