%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A PUJI LESTARI , NIM. 07650080 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2013 %F digilib:12183 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keywords : cryptography , encryption , descriptions, plaintex , chipertex , asymmetric , RSA . %T IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITHMA RSA (RIVEST SHAMIR ADLEMAN) DALAM SISTEM ENKRIPSI FILE DAN PENGAMANAN FOLDER %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/12183/ %X Cryptography is the study of how to perform encryption and decryption , using certain mathematical models . Cryptography or encryption techniques inspired by encoding technique that converts a readable message ( plaintext ) into a random message and difficult to decipher . To be able to read encrypted messages required inverse of the encryption process is called decryption . But many kinds of cryptography because each has a different cryptographic algorithms in the level of complexity and calculation process . One way to apply a cryptographic algorithm for encryption . By encrypting the data can not be read because the original text or plaintext has been changed to unreadable text or called ciphertext . There are many cryptographic algorithms that can be used , based on the nature of the key is divided into two symmetrical that only uses one secret key and asymmetric key pair that uses public and secret key . In this study of cryptographic algorithms that will be used is the RSA asymmetric cryptographic algorithm invented by Ron Rivest , Adi Shamir , and Leonard Adleman in 1978 and RSA stands for the initials of the name of the three of them . RSA is used as an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm most often used at this time due to reliability . Until now the RSA algorithm has a high enough level of security , because until now has not been found algorithm / machine that is capable to solve the data encryption algorithm the results quickly . Because the key length in bits determine the level of difficulty and complexity of the decomposition encoding . With the bit length , the more difficult to solve due to the difficulty of factoring two random prime numbers that have been to generate a key . From the analysis of these subjects , then the solution is given in the form of applications created with Visual Basic.NET programming language . For the planning and development of the system is done with the aim to obtain information more quickly and accurately as well as improve the quality of work and be an agency strategic value to the satisfaction of the participants . %Z Pembimbing : Sumarsono, M.Kom