%A NIM. 09140151 MUHAMMAD ERDIANSYAH CHOLID ANJALI %O PEMBIMBING: Drs. UMAR SIDIK, S.Pd., M.Pd. %T PENGARUH MUSIK TERHADAP MINAT MEMBACA BAGI PENGGUNA DI AMIKOM RESOURCE CENTER STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA %X This research aims to know the music playback (1), either from the elements of music and the kind of music that is appropriate for the sound to the user in the Amikom Resource Center, (2) know the interest reading user Amikom Resource Center, and (3) knowing the musical influences of interest reading user Amikom Resource Center. Type of this research is quantitative research. The main data collection methods were used: questionnaire, while the method of his supporters in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The population taken in this study is the whole student STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta which amounted to 12,000 students. The basic sampling using the formula according to Yamanne as many as 99 respondents, and samplingnya techniques using the technique of accidental sampling. Test instruments implemented in 30 students STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Test the validity of an instrument carried by engineering product correlation moment and test reliabilitas instrument using formulas alpha cronbach calculated using windows software spss for verslon 16. A method of analysis of data used use mean and grand the mean, then to test hypotheses used correlation product moment and continued with regression analysis to predict how big influence between the two variables such. Research results are obtained, that the music playback for users in Amikom Resource Center of Yogyakarta as well, with an overall average rating of 3.04. User interest level in the Amikom Resource Center of Yogyakarta is also relatively well, with the overall average value of 2.96. The results for the test of the hypothesis that r count of 0,561, greater than r 0,195 table with 5% significance level. It can be concluded that the influence of the interest of music reading for the user categorized is or can be said to be quite influential. From the above analysis results can be concluded that the working hypothesis (Ha) or accepted. The need for consuming in genre of music especially having a creamy tinge, to users can concentrate in reading. Keywords: music, the interest read, users of the library %K music, the interest read, users of the library %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12336