%A NIM. 08710080 NOOR ETIKA LIMPAT PAMBUDI %O Pembimbing : M. Johan Nasrul Huda, S.Psi, M.Si %T RELIGIOSITAS PADA WANITA BERJILBAB ANGGOTA HIJABERS COMMUNITY YOGYAKARTA %X The aim of this study was to get the information regarding to the religiosity of the women wearing hijab on the Hijaber Community Yogyakarta. The subjects of this study were the founder, a person-in-charge, and an average member of Hijaber Community Yogyakarta. As a comparison, there was a muslim woman wearing ordinary conventional hijab to be an additional subject of study. The study was performed using qualitative method with symbolic interactionism approach. This approach justified that a human acts based on what they depict on a symbol emerged from social interaction on Hijabers Community Yogyakarta. After a thorough study, it was concluded that three study subjects of Hijabers Community Yogyakarta showed five dimensions of religiosity, that is ideological, ritualistic, experiential, consequential, and intellectual, can be found in each of subjects. Hijab also has several meaning for the community members, such as (1) gives a feeling of comfort and safety; (2) makes them feel beautiful with modern style of hijab, and (3) it become featured fashion in their community. %K Keyword: religiosity, hijab, hijabers community, symbolic interactionism %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12432