%A NIM. 08730126 WINDHA LARASANTI DELVIA F %O Pembimbing : Alip Kunandar, Msi. %T KOMODIFIKASI ANAK DALAM IKLAN (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES PADA IKLAN PRUDENTIAL DI TELEVISI VERSI MENDENGARKAN CITA – CITA MEREKA) %X Children is a plural noun of child which is, psicologically speaking, a period of growth during baby to 5-6 years old child. This period is usually called preschool term which then grows up to primary-school age. According to Children Jurisdiction Law of Republic of Indonesia, the definition of child is based on the Law No. 33 year 1997 on the aforesaid article 1 clause (2) which says: "Children are people in the case of juveniles who have reached the age of 8 (eight) years but has not attained the age of 18 years (eighteen) years old and has never been married." Mosco defines commodification as "the process of transforming use values into exchange values, of transforming products whose value is determined by their ability to meet individual and social needs into products whose value is set by what they can bring in the marketplace”. Commodification happens to all aspects one of which is commodification towards children as researched on this paper. On the ad of Prudential version “Mendengarkan Cita-Cita Mereka” is shown some children answering question of their dreams. Those children answer it with their own childish styles. The message within the ad applies the commodification of children. To see how the process of commodification of children goes, the researcher used roland Barthes’s semiotics method to understand the denotation and connotation meanings that indicate commodification of children on the ad of Prudential. The researcher found out that there is commodification of children on this ad since the ad is intentionally to be adults’ consumption. Nevertheless, children are used as tools to attract their hearts so that they will join the insurance related to the product.this ad shows children’s psycology which then comes up as the identification of commodification of children and it implies the message that parents must have the use of the insurance of Prudential as the guarantee of their children’s future dreams. %K Keywords: Semiotics, Commodification, Television advertising, insurance. %D 2013 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12473