%A NIM. 10730022 LAYLLY SHAHARA %O Pembimbing : Yani Tri Wijayanti, M.Si %T PERAN HUMAS DALAM MENGIDENTIFIKASI PENYEBAB KRISIS (STUDI KASUS PEMASANGAN JARINGAN LISTRIK DI PERUMAHAN DOMAS, KOTA SALATIGA PADA PT. PLN (PERSERO) UNIT LAYANAN SALATIGA) %X The necessary of electric energy is greater every day. It makes Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) should increase the electric capacity for the citizen to fulfill their electric necessity. The electric capacity increment can be done by increasing the network in a region. Indeed, the electric capacity increment is not easy because every region has different perception. For example, in Domas Residential Salatiga Town, the electrical network installation done by PLN is protested by the citizen because they feel there is no notification from PLN regarding the installation. It definitely makes PLN’s image not good in Domas Residential citizen’s opinion. Furthermore, the citizen also prohibit the electrical network installation until there is a deal between the Domas Residential citizen and the PLN. In this case, the PLN believes that they did their duty based on Standar Operasional Perusahaan (SOP). However, there are still protests from the Domas Residential citizen. It means there are some factors underlying the Domas Residential Salatiga Town citizen’s protests regarding the electrical network installation in their residential. Hence, the PLN’s public relation should solve this case immediately so that the PLN can retrieve their good image upon the Domas Residential citizen. It can be done by knowing in advance what are the factors that led to the case of the installation of the electrical grid using a typology of crises Shrivastava and Mitroff that divide into four cells types and causes of the crisis . The method used is study case that fulfil the two things specific and having limitations. %K Keyword: Company’s crisis, the crisis causative factors, corporate public relations %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12915