%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A LILIK ROHMAWATI, NIM. 10140022 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2014 %F digilib:12962 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keywords : Quality Collection , User Satisfaction %T HUBUNGAN KUALITAS KOLEKSI DENGAN KEPUASAN PEMUSTAKA DI PERPUSTAKAAN MAN WONOKROMO BANTUL YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/12962/ %X This research aims to determine the relationship between quality collections and the user satisfactions in the MAN Wonokromo Bantul Yogyakarta library and to investigate how the quality collections is available and user satisfactions on the quality collections at MAN Wonokromo Bantul Yogyakarta library. This reseach uses a quantitative approach or method. The variables used in this research is the independent variable ( Quality Collection ) and the dependent variable ( User Satisfaction). Using stratified random sampling with a sample of 86 respondents. Data collection technique used in this research is the of observation , interviews and questionnaires. The correlation technique of Product Moment is use for validity analize and Alpha Cronbach method for reliability analize. The correlation technique of product moment and SPSS version 19 for windows is use to data analize. The results showpositive and significant relationship between quality collection and user satisfaction in MAN Wonokromo Bantul Yogyakarta library. This can be seen from the results obtained correlation coefficient is equal to 0,656 which count r > r table at the 5 % significance level is r table is 0,213. For the quality of the collection at the MAN WonokromoBantul Yogyakarta library categorized as good as evidenced by the Grand Mean of 2,96. As for user satisfaction in MAN Wonokromo Bantul Yogyakarta library were high as evidenced by the Grand Mean of 2,96 . Value of the correlation coefficient grade are strong which means the better quality collection the higher level of user satisfaction in MAN Wonokromo BantulYogyakarta library. This researchis expected to provide input to the library to improve and main tain the user satisfactionin terms of providing a complete collection and continually evaluate the collection according to user needs. %Z Pembimbing : Dr. Tafrikhuddin, S.Ag.,M.Pd.