@phdthesis{digilib12998, month = {June}, title = {ANALISIS PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN KOLEKSI PERPUSTAKAAN BAGI PENGGUNA DI PERPUSTAKAAN FAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS ISLAM INDONESIA YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10140047 MUH KHABIB}, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Drs.Purwono, SIP.,M.Si}, keywords = {Key word : Completing Necessities, Library Collection.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/12998/}, abstract = {This research is aimed to describe the degree of completing necessities toward the user?s collection in the faculty of law?s library UII Yogyakarta. Hopefully, this research can be the input for the Faculty of Law?s library UII Yogyakarta in optimizing the collection so that it can make the costumer is satisfied. This research has been done in the Faculty of Law?s library UII Yogyakarta that is addressed in the road Tamansiswa number. 158 Yogyakaarta. The population in this research is 1230 students, from that number, the sample that is taken is 92 students. This sampling uses accidental sampling technique. This research is also included the survey research type with descriptive quantitative approach. In the collecting data, the writer uses questioners. The validity test uses Product Moment formula, the reliability test uses Alpha Cronbach while the analysis data uses mean and grand mean formula, to conclude the research result, the writer uses the interval scale from Simamora. The research result shows that generally, the grade of completing necessities in user?s collection in the faculty of laws? library UII is looked from a kind of sub variable and criteria is categorized in high grade, it is proven by the total of grand mean that is 2,87. From the whole calculation of grand mean, it can be analyzed that the indicator of the material collection gets the highest average calculation: 3,10. Whereas the indicator of completing the collection gets the lowest average: 2,66. Based on the result of that research, it can be recommended to the faculty of laws? library UII to increase the collection of the library. The collection here does not only the book, but also the journal, magazine, digital collection, and so on. Besides, to supply the collection, it is better to involve the users in the selection process of the collection that will be bought, hopefully, by doing that strategy, the collection will be more expected by the user.} }