%A NIM. 09650037 ARUM PANDANWANGI %O Pembimbing : Agung Fatwanto, M.Kom, Ph.D %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK MENGGUNAKAN METODE AGILE (STUDY KASUS : SMA PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA) %X Senior High School (SMA) of PIRI 1 Yogyakarta is one of private school in Yogyakarta. During managing data, SMA PIRI 1 Yogyakarta still uses manual system like using a note and Ms. Office until it makes difficulty and needs time in finding data. The use of manual system also has greater risks like loss of data because of flood, fire, scattered data, old paper etc. This study is aimed to design and build an academic information system to minimalize the risks. Using method of Agile as method of research, this study does not have absolute stage. The method is a kind of developing system in short time which needs quick adaptaion from developer to change in any form. By programming language PHP, database MySQL and XAMPP as web server, the system has fitures such as student data management, teacher data management, employee data management, score data management, etc. This study results an application of academic information system that can be used to manage academic data until it can minimalize the unwanted risks. The result of testing functional system of questioner includes 24 respondents. Mostly the respondents give good assessment for the application. The testing shows that 100% of respondents say that the function of system runs well and 0% of respondents say that the function of system does not run well. Meanwhile, from usability system testing it shows that 45.83% really agree, 39.16% agree, 14.16% are neutral, 0.83% disagree and 0% really disagree. %K Key Words: Academic Information System, Method of Agile, PHP, MySQL, XAMPP %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib12999