%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ISNA FAUZATI , NIM. 11130031 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2014 %F digilib:13015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keyword : Read Enthusiasm, School Library. %T MINAT BACA SISWA DI PERPUSTAKAAN SMP NEGERI 3 MUNTILAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13015/ %X In this research, writer formulates four the root of the matters how is the condition of students read enthusiasm, what is the role of library to increase the read enthusiasm of students, what is the factors to influence students read enthusiasm, and what is a constraint of library life to increase the students read enthusiasm at SMP N 3 Muntilan. As for attention of this research is to know the condition of Students read enthusiasm in SMP N 3 Muntilan in the library, with the role and constraint of library life to increase the read enthusiasm of students in SMP N 3 Muntilan. As for research methods applied is qualitative research and for the data collecting method with interview, observation, and documentation method. Libraries have an important role in advancing a nation. The existence of the library is expected to be a means to enhance the students' enthusiasm. Therefore, many effort to grow and to increase the students enthusiasm, library provides a variety of collections and facilities needed students. Collections and facilities are expected to be utilized in the future as possible and the library can be used as the heart of the school. This research expected to improve the quality of the library and the students' enthusiasm as well. %Z Pembimbing : Dr. Tafrikhuddin, S.Ag., M.Pd