%A NIM. 10140068 FARIDA RAHMAWATI %O Pembimbing : Hj. Sri Rohyanti Zulaikha, S. Ag., SIP., M.Si. %T TANGGAPAN TENAGA PERPUSTAKAAN TERHADAP STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) PELAYANAN SIRKULASI DI PERPUSTAKAAN KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X The aim of this research is to know the librarian’s response of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Circulation Service in Library of Yogyakarta City. This research using quantitative description technique. The subjects is librarian of Library of Yogyakarta City. The Population of research are 25 librarian. Variable in this research is single category. Variable’s name is Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Circulation Services. Technique are used in data collection were observation, documentation, interview, and questionnaire. Data analysis used formulation of Mean and Grand Mean. Measurenment based Likert Scale (4-1) whose result was interpreted into very bad, bad, good, and very good. The Result of this research to indicate that implementation standard operating procedure (SOP) circulation services in Library of Yogyakarta City is good category by total of average score is 2,958. Librarian’s response to subvariabel of SOP based is document of SOP circulation services with score 3,172 (good), subvariabel of SOP application with score 2,88 (good) and SOP revision with score 2,88 (good). This research recommended to do revision about SOP circulation services. This research to knowing about contributes of library management, and specially for Operating Procedure (SOP) Circulation Services. %K Key Word: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13018