TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing : Siti Rohaya, S.Ag,. MT ID - digilib13075 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13075/ A1 - FITRI KARTIKA SARI, NIM. 10140101 Y1 - 2014/06/16/ N2 - This research aims to find out about user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in library of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. Research approach that use is quantitative descriptive. Subject in this research are student class of 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 which become library?s members. Object of study is user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool. Population in this research are 8570 population. From that population, this research takes some sample by Yamanae formula. By Yamane formula, it takes 100 users. The sampling uses incidential sampling technique. Variable that use is singular, it is user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool. By contain of sub variable, accurate, user convenience,timeliness, and form. Methode of research data are questionnaire as main methode and observation. The test of validity uses product moment formula and the reability uses alpha cronback. Calculation testing uses validity and reability, it uses spss 16 for windows. Analysis of data uses descriptive quantitative analysis by mean formula. The result shows that (1) user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in contain sub variable is good. It can be seen from avertage value indication by 3,19. (2) user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in accurate sub variable is good. It can be seen from average value indicator by 3,03. (3) user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in sub variable, it classified in good. It can be seen from average value indicator by 3,25. (4) user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in sub variable, this timeliness classified in good. It can be seen from average value indicator by 3,2. (5) user?s satisfaction to OPAC?s service as information search tool in sub variableform classified in good. It can be seen from average value indicator by 2,97. So that, it needs to be consider to the information accuary on the system and more pay attention for the display to make OPAC more interesting. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA KW - Keyword : user?s satisfactin KW - OPAC KW - information search M1 - skripsi TI - KEPUASAN PEMUSTAKA TERHADAP LAYANAN OPAC SEBAGAI SARANA PENELUSURAN INFORMASI DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA YOGYAKARTA AV - restricted ER -