%A NIM. 10140005 REZIKA YUDA ARDHANI %O Pembimbing : M. Ainul Yaqin, S.Pd., M.Ed. %T PENGARUH KOLEKSI FIKSI TERHADAP MINAT BACA SISWA DI MAN MAGUWOHARJO %X There are three problems in this research. The first is how the collection of fictions in Maguwoharjo Senior High School are. The second is how the reading interest in Maguwoharjo Senior High School Library. The third is how the influence of fiction collections of the student reading interest in Maguwoharjo Senior High School Library. This research is aimed to describe the fiction collections in Maguwoharjo Senior High School Library, to describe the condition of student reading interest in Maguwoharjo Senior High School, and to know how big the influence of fiction collections of the student reading interest in Maguwoharjo Senior High School. Variables that are used in this research are variable of fiction collection (independent variable) and variable of student reading interest (dependent variable). The methods that are used to collect the data are observation, questionnaire, documentation, and interview. Incidental sampling is used to take the sample. The samples are as many as 83 participants. Mean and grand mean formula is used in calculating the variable. The influence of fiction collections of student reading interest uses the correlation of product moment formula. The result of the fiction collection research is in fine category that has 3,19 mean values and student interest is included in high category that has 3,11 mean values. While the influence of fiction collection and the student reading interest is in 5% significance degree with N = 83 as many as 0,213. So, r count that is obtained is bigger than r table (0,485>0,213). It shows that there are enough influencing correlation of correlation coefficient between fiction collections and student reading interest because it is included in the category of 0,400-0,599. So, the correlation coefficient between fiction correlation and student reading interest that is as much as 0,485 is significant. In conclusion, fiction collection has positive influence and significance of student reading interest in Maguwoharjo Senior High School Library. Suggestions for Maguwoharjo Senior High School Library. It will be good if the student’s reading interest is kept and increased since their reading interest has already been higher then before. And there should be more amount of varied collections in order to make the student to be happier to read. This suggestions concord with the research result that said that fiction collections have enough influence to the student’s reading interest. %K Keywords: Fiction Collection, Reading Interest %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13077