%A NIM. 10140074 ISTI DWI ATMAYANTI %O Pembimbing : Purwono, SIP., M.Si %T PENERAPAN ETIKA JAWA OLEH PETUGAS PERPUSTAKAAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN KAWEDANAN HAGENG PUNAKAWAN WIDYA BUDAYA KRATON YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of the study is to examine the application of ethics Java conducted by the librarians at the Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan Widya Budaya Library. Described in this paper on the appliclation of Java ethics in serving users, the relation with the humanity of librarian and in running duty as librarian. As for the method used was qualitative research. To obtain valid data, researchers used several data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. All qualitative data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman models through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. This qualitative study using test of credibility and confirmability test. To test the credibility of researchers using an extension of observation, negative case analysis, and membercheck. Confirmability test whie discussing with an expert researcher professional judgment in order to obtain research results more objective. Research results obtained in mind that librarians have implemented Java ethics at the Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan Widya Budaya Library. As for Java ethics applied in serving user are value of Serat Basa Basuki, emban cindhe emban siladan, manacika, tepa selira, wacika, kayika and place forward to feel. Java ethics applied while in a relationship with fellow librarians are virtuous take like berbudi bawa laksana, kekeluargaan, prasaja, rame ing gawe, sikap satwam, sikap rajah, sikap tamah and aja dumeh. And last result, Java ethics applied in running duty as librarian are honest, temen, taat, sepi ing pamrih, eling, ajining dhiri ana ing lati ajining raga ana ing busana and jembar segarane. %K Keyword : Librarian of Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan Widya Budaya Library, Applying of Java ethics %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13142