%A NIM. 10150041 ASRI INAYATI %O Pembimbing : Nisa Syuhda, M.Hum %T SELF IDENTIFICATION OF PINKY IN CLAIRE DAVIS’ LABORS OF THE HEART %X Self-identification is a process in defining the individual identity. Self identification is one of human’s problems that relates to self-existence. Labors of the Heart, short story written by Claire Davis, tells about the self-identification of a lonely obese man in the age of forty named Pinky. Pinky falls in love for the first time when he is forty age. He falls in love with a skinny woman, named Rose. This research aimed to understand how Lacan’s three orders develop in Pinky’s self identification and how love influences Pinky’s character. Qualitative analytical descriptive method is used in this research. The theory of Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalysis about self-existence and Jacques Lacan’s concept about love are used here. Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalysis theory about self existence is three orders of being: the real order, the imaginary order, and the symbolic order while Lacan’s concept of love is about true love and common love. The result of this research is Pinky identifies himself trough Rose mirror image in imaginary order. Pinky misrecognizes himself. Pinky’s self identification in imaginary order is influenced by the feeling of losing in the real order. Then, in the symbolic order, Pinky realizes that he and Rose are different being. Moreover, Pinky’s love towards Rose is true love. True love influences Pinky’s characters to change. He changes in order to be good for Rose. True love leads him to change his life and also influences his self -identification. %K Keywords: self identification, three orders, love, Pinky %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13144