@phdthesis{digilib13167, month = {May}, title = {THE MESSAGE IN WILLIAM ANTHONY AUTH JR.?S ISLAMIC CARTOON }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10150052 YULININGSIH }, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Jiah Fauziah, M.Hum }, keywords = {Keywords: Auth?s cartoon, speech act, Islam, message }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13167/}, abstract = {Auth is an editorial cartoonist from Philadelphia Inquirer from 1971 to 2012. He gets many awards for his works: the Thomas Nast Prize, the Herblock Prize, and the Pulitzer Prize. Auth mostly creates some controversial editorial cartoons. Thus, there are many letters that are received by Philadelphia Inquirer from around the country and abroad that criticize Auth?s cartoon. The writer is interested in one of Auth?s Islamic cartoons. In this cartoon, Auth does not use direct language to convey his message, but he uses complex language. Thus, the meaning of the cartoon utterances cannot be taken directly. This makes the writer curious to find what Auth wants to convey through his cartoon and how Islam views the message of Auth?s cartoon. This research is a qualitative research that analyzes the data descriptively. The source of data is www.gocomics.com. The data is limited to one theme of cartoon, jihad. The technique used in collecting data is documentation technique. The analysis of the data is based on political cartoons analysis, speech act theory, and assisted with the semiotics theory. The results of this study indicate that through the cartoon, Auth does not only criticize Islam but also mock the situation of Muslims? conditions that easily do violence and even murder. In addition, the name of God is used as the reason for doing the heinous things. Auth thinks that Islam?s thinking (hadith) is something illogical because a murderer will not get the prize and heaven but will get punishment and hell. Meanwhile, Islam has different perspectives about the hadith that is the war against harby unbelievers who attack Islam, either physically or mentality (through the thought like using cartoon). In relation with the cartoon message, Islam will see it so biased and judgmental while the hadith not only mention about getting the virgin as the reward but more fundamental things, peaceful life in the hereafter. } }