%A NIM. 10651023 MAESTOSAYUSUF NURSETA %O Pembimbing : Agus Mulyanto, S.Si., M.Kom. %T SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN STARTING ELEVEN DALAM CABANG OLAHRAGA SEPAK BOLA MENGGUNAKAN METODE ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS %X Every football team has standards that are used by a coach to decide the suitable players who fill the criteria to enter the starting eleven of a team. Sometimes, it makes a coach confuse to choose the best players to fill the starting eleven. The aims of the research are to make a decision support system in choosing the starting eleven players and to implement Analytical Hierarchy Process in a system. The research employed Analytical Hierarchy Process method. These processes are to define the problem and the solution, to choose the element priority, to calculate the consistency, to count the consistency, to count the ratio consistency and to check hierarchy consistency. As a result, the system produces recommendation for starting eleven appropriate with the standard that used by a coach. The result employed of this research show the calculation of this system is equivalent with the calculation manually. Then, the changing of quality value in every criteria comparison influences the final result, so the recommendation of starting eleven can change indefinitely. Totality, this research produces a decision support system to choose starting eleven, and then it can be implemented in a system successfully. %K Keywords: Decision Support System, starting eleven, Analytical Hierarchy Process %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13234