%A NIM. 10651079 APRIANA NURYANTO %O Pembimbing : Agung Fatwanto, S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D. %T ANALISIS PENGUJIAN FAKTOR RELIABILITY SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA MENGGUNAKAN METODE MCCALL %X Academic Information System UIN Sunan Kalijaga is a software that serves to facilitate transactions academic. When Academic Information System execute its function often generate fault output. Therefore, need to make testing of the reliability software for execute its functions. McCall method has good accuracy and details that can be used to test and ensure the reliability of academic information system software UIN Sunan Kalijaga. One of the operational factors that affect the quality of software according to this method is the reliability. Reliability is the ability of the software can be expected to execute its functions with the required accuracy. The level of software reliability can be measured by the percentage of accuracy, consistency, error tolerance, modularity and simple. The result of procedure design software testing can showing degree for reliability Academic Information System with menu training dan sertifikasi. The reliability software Academic Information System is 62.47%. That Percentage reliability software Academic Information System count of consistency is 0%, accuracy is 96.05%, error tolerance is 96.30%, modularity is 60% and simplicity is 60% divided 5. %K Keywords: Software Quality, Software Testing, McCall, Reliability. %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13256