relation: title: PERANCANGAN DASHBOARD PENGUJIAN KINERJA PC ROUTER CLEAR OS DAN MIKROTIK ROUTER OS creator: STARKY AJI , NIM. 08651010 subject: Tehnik Informatika description: Router is a network device that is used to split protocol to the other clinet of the network, with the router in a network protocol can be shared to other network devices. There are various types of routers which function split the network protocols among other Mikrotik PC router and Clear os PC router researchers wish to find how to rate the effectiveness of the use of the CPU, disk, and RAM of both pieces of the routers that have the same function as a router. In the testing process, the researchers used a method in which the ratio of data to two routers on the record and in the store, then the data obtained is used as a reference for comparison, so we can determine the level of usage of CPU, disk, and RAM of both the router and can be viewed in immediate difference. The results of the comparison are obtained, under normal conditions or without attack, Mikrotik PC routers are superior to the Clear os PC router. However, in terms of using DDOS attacks, Clear os PC routers are superior to the Mikrotik PC router. Obtaining such data results based on data from CPU usage, disk, and RAM are both fruit routers compare. date: 2014-06-09 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: STARKY AJI , NIM. 08651010 (2014) PERANCANGAN DASHBOARD PENGUJIAN KINERJA PC ROUTER CLEAR OS DAN MIKROTIK ROUTER OS. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.