@phdthesis{digilib13302, month = {June}, title = {RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI ENKRIPSI SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS) MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA CAESAR CIPHER DAN ALGORITMA RC4 BERBASIS ANDROID }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = { NIM. 10651008 CINCIN JATI SUDARMINTO}, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Bambang Sugiantoro }, keywords = {Keywords: Android, Encryption, Description, Short Message Service (SMS), Security, Caesar Cipher, RC4. }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13302/}, abstract = {The technology on cellular phone keeps changing through times. The old function of cellular phone is limited on making phone calls and sending message, SMS (short message services). Nowadays, cellular phone can be used more than just calling and sending message. Further function of cellular phone is for chatting, browsing, video call, etc. However, SMS is still a service which is favorable for many users. There are lots of users of SMS, though it does not mean that SMS is the best service of cellular phone services. SMS has some weaknesses one of it is from the security of the content. It is because SMS has not been equipped with the system that can guarantee the secret of the SMS content. This research will try to make an application which is able to safe the content of SMS by using encryption which is used Caesar Cipher algorithm and RC4 algorithm. The system developmental method which is used in this research is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). There are five steps in this method: analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. While, the algorithm which is used for the encryption is Caesar Cipher algorithm and RC4 algorithm. Caesar Cipher algorithm is used to encrypt the plaintext by moving the position of the letter. The RC4 algorithm is used to encrypt plaintext digit per digit or byte per byte by combining with the operation or with a keystream. The outcome of this research is resulting an application which is able to safe the content of SMS by using encryption with Caesar Cipher algorithm and RC4 algorithm on android based cellular phone. Based on functional application test result all respondents agree that the application which is made work perfectly. It is recorded that 100\% said yes and 0\% said no. Based on interface application test result, 48,3\% strongly agree, 45\% agree, 6,7\% neutral, 0\% disagree and 0\% strongly disagree. } }