%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A ABDUL ALAM AMRULLAH - NIM. 00360384, %B Fakultas Syari'ah %D 2008 %F digilib:1365 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %K Pro Kontra, Hukum Tahlilan %T PRO KONTRA HUKUM TAHLILAN PADA MASYARAKAT DUSUN CANCANGAN WUKIRSARI CANGKRINGAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/1365/ %X ABSTRACT The special matter which becomes attention the writer is that in discourse of Islamic law, is always colored by two discourses which existence each other that is normality and history discourses, between text with the context. All idea which emerge from moslem scholar and moslem figure from all era have upstream and estuary of two terms. So the problem of Tahlilan at burial of the death people. The debate acceleration concerning this matter has happened in the last time and takes place continually until a period of this time. The debate is always repeatedly at the same case and problem, that is Tahlilan. This thesis will present two different groups in Cancangan which is experiencing in culmination point. The first group is Seng Ngaji and another group is Tiang Jawi. The main problem of this thesis is how and what background of arguments from both that groups. The kind of the research is field research. It took place in Cancangan Wukirsari Cangkringan which is experiencing of top debate about case Islamic law problem especially of tahlilan. This debate is deputized by two groups of local society that is Seng Ngaji and Tiang Jawi. While this research is characterized of descriptive-analytic-comparative with sociological approach. The analysis method is comparative analysis to compare both of the groups and look for interconnectivity and the relevance with Indonesia. Based on the trade mark in normality tradition that has textual tendencies and often disregard the history appearance the rule of law, so the group of Seng Ngaji expresses that Tahlilan, with all kind of reason and intention, is something new and joked in Islamic religion, so that enter in category of Bid'ah. While the group of Tiang Jawi assume that Tahlilan is more than simply ancestor tradition has philosophic values and has Islamic nuance, so that there is no prohibition element order to run. By joining both opinions which opposite and used the same strong theorem, so the writer concluded that Tahlilan has two different laws. First, is illicit law according the opinion of Seng Ngaji. Second, mubah according the opinion of Tiang Jawi. %Z Pembimbing I : H. WAWAN GUNAWAN, M.Ag. ; Pembimbing II : BUDI RUHIATUDIN, S.H, M.Hum.