%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A JODY PRARIYADI , NIM. 10690022 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2014 %F digilib:13692 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keywords: Mobile learning application, Android, planetary order motion, analysis Ability %T PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI MOBILE LEARNING FISIKA BERBASIS SMARTPHONE ANDROID PADA POKOK BAHASAN KETERATURAN GERAK PLANET SEBAGAI SARANA UNTUK MEMFASILITASI KEMAMPUAN ANALISIS PESERTA DIDIK KELAS XI SMA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13692/ %X Smartphone is one of the products of technological development. The utilization of smartphones have penetrated in education. This research aims to: 1) develope a mobile learning application based on Android smartphone on planetary order motion subject as a mean of analysis ability for 11th grade students; 2) determine the quality of mobile learning application which has been developed according to media expert, matter expert, and physics teacher; 3) determine student responses to mobile learning application which has been developed. This is a research and development study (R&D). The development model’s follow the Four-D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) which is limited until the Develop stage. The instrument consist of quality assessment sheet of mobile learning application based on Android smartphone that consist of technical aspect, content aspect, and design aspect, also student response sheet of mobile learning application based on Android smartphone that consist of aspect of interest, content, design, technical, and satisfaction, which uses a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques in this study using quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of this research are: 1) a mobile learning application based on Android smartphone on planetary order motion subject for 11th grade student which can be accessed flexibly; 2) the quality of mobile learning application that has been developed has very good category according to assessment by media expert 92,86%, matter expert 93,75% and physics teacher 91,07%; 3) student response on a limited trial has agree category 73,70%, while the student responses in extensive trial has agree category 80,11%. %Z Pembimbing : Norma Sidik Risdiyanto, M.Sc